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Designed to cut hard wires up to .021" x .025" (.53 mm x .64 mm). Cutting edge length 0.46" (11.70 mm).
X7 Orthodontic Instruments include a lifetime warranty against materials defects and craftsmanship. Like all Orthodontic companies, ‘lifetime’ references the expected life of the product. Cutting instruments and wire benders are guaranteed for seven years and utility pliers for ten years.
Precision Manufactured in the USA with USA and/or German Stainless Steel
High Quality 400 Series Surgical Stainless Steel Material Blend
Stringent Quality Control for Consistent Performance and Reliability
Handle Designed for Optimal Fit and Comfort
Contoured Corners Around the Joint Area for a Slim-Line Look and Feel
Shadow Satin Surfacing to Minimize Glare and Provide a Long-Lasting Finish
Lifetime Warranty Against Materials Defects and Craftsmanship*
Sharpening cutters and/or repairing minor tip damage is not covered by warranty as this is considered to be routine maintenance for normal use.
1 per pack Steam Sterilize for at least 4 Minutes at 270°F/132°C or 30 Minutes at 250°F/121°C