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Ships by Frontier Dental Supply within 1 to 5 business days
TempCanal Enhanced is a calcium hydroxide medicament for temporary canal treatment. It is also indicated for canal disinfection, flare-up prevention, infection, traumatic injuries, and problematic cases that require calcium hydroxide therapy.
This non-drying paste does not set, allowing for convenient removal by file and irrigation. TempCanal Enhanced is dispensed using a standard Luer-lock syringe with a single-hand operation where the paste flows through close-ended, two-side-vented needles and straight into the canal.
A pH level of more than 12 improves the bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects of the adhesive. Each Refill Kit contains 1 (3 ml) Syringe, 12 Endodontic Irrigation Needles (27 Gauge x 1", 2-Side-Vent).
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