Thorough cleaning and simultaneous massage makes Paro brush-stick a perfect choice in the treatment and prevention of gingival irritation. The Paro brush-stick is internationally patented. Space-age technology in oral hygiene. Our futuristic toothpick takes its shape and ease of use from its wood predecessor. The similarity ends there, as the Paro brush-stick has a plastic base which is covered with a velvety flocking. This additional covering is not only pleasant to use, but creates an easier and more thorough removal of bacterial plaque. It's super-thin form is extremely flexible and facilitates access to practically every interproximal area. Paro brush-stick are reusable and with their protective cover perfect for use on the go
paro is the house brand of the long established Swiss company Esro AG, based in Kilchberg near Zurich. Esro AG was founded in 1969 and specializes in the manufacture of dental care products.
Our team, composed of consulting, production, research and development, work daily with cautiousness and care for your lasting bright smile.